Drive bills down - have an EV charge point done while you 'solar upgrade'.

Thinking of upgrading your Pv solar system with home battery storage? Well, here's something to think about that really will drive bills down even further - why not use our expertise to double up and get an EV charging point sorted at the same time? It's a great energy-efficient way to make the most of the time of having installation on site!

Get on the road to a brighter future: get an EV charge point fitted too.

It makes perfect sense - doubling up on your energy-efficiency by having a home EV charge point sorted while you take care of your Pv solar upgrade.

Especially when you have local installers and experts at your disposal! MAXIMISE their time and MINIMISE your hassle.

We're fitting EV Charging Points across Scotland!

Ask us about a solar upgrade today

The big benefits of doubling up with PV upgrade and an EV charge point:

  • Future-proof your solar system with Hybrid inverter and battery storage
  • Have your own 'power station' at home - generating and storing power
  • Make the most of the installers' time by adding an EV charge point on the day
  • Perfect for an EV owner... or anyone planning to switch to an EV soon

Mr Solar Upgrade and The Energy Saving Store - putting you in the driving seat.

The world is changing fast, with big challenges for our energy use. But I've been working for years to promote greener, energy-efficient ways to help you beat the squeeze. From solar power upgrades to EV charging, I'm ready to help you DECIMATE those bills!

David Morrison

David MorrisonOwner, Mr Solar Upgrade and The Energy Saving Store

CALL US NOW (01349) 864 910

Make the most of your solar system.
Speak to us about an EV charging point today.

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